Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Earl Blumenauer Writes Back

Dear Ms. Fourman,

Thank you for writing me regarding H.R. 1326, "The Great Ape Protection Act". I am a co-sponsor of this legislation, which would end the use of chimpanzees in medical research and retires those currently in federally-owned medical laboratories to permanent sanctuaries.

The decision to continue to use animals such as Apes in medical research is difficult both for the medical and moral concerns. I have consistently supported legislation that requires that animals not be used in research, when other research options are available. I was a co-sponsor of the ICCVAM Authorization Act (Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Method), legislation that established, wherever feasible, guidelines, recommendations, and regulations that promote the regulatory acceptance of new and revised toxicological tests that protect human and animal health and the environment while reducing, refining, or replacing animal tests and ensuring human safety and product effectiveness. It is important to continue to reduce and replace animal tests whenever possible, while still ensuring continued safety and effectiveness of our medicine.

I'm proud to be a member of the Congressional Friends of Animals. I am a strong supporter of the Endangered Species Act and am committed to protecting both domestic and wild animals from harm. I was voted Humane Society Legislator of the Year, reflecting my strong support for legislative initiatives for animals, from banning steel jaw leg hold traps, to ending the suffering of downed animals, to preventing the cruel and inhumane practice of dog and cockfighting.

Thank you again for writing with your thoughts on animal testing and the use of Great Apes. I will follow this legislation closely and keep your thoughts in mind should it come up for a vote on the House floor.

Earl Blumenauer
Member of Congress StumbleUpon

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